Any different between "hope everything goes well" and "hope everything is going well"? - Learn Engli " Hope everything goes well" is about something happening now and wishing for the consequences and result ...
希朢你方事情進行一切都順利, 英文怎麼講啊(頁 1) - 外貿英語 - 福步外貿論壇(FOB Business Forum) |中國第一外貿論壇 hope everything goes well with your side ! 2007-12-18 17:06 男色海洋 4#/8# 乃正解也 2007-12-18 17:08 男 ...
有關英文吉祥話的翻譯 - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 這個吉祥話是要從英文翻中文 全部都是四個字的...吉祥話:1)Peace through the year.2)May you always get more ...
I hope all goes well - Idioms by The Free Dictionary I hope all goes well. I hope there is success. Good luck on your operation tomorrow. I hope all goes well ...
Bing 必应词典为您提供 hope everything goes on well with your life的释义,网络释义: 祝你一切顺利; ... Definit ...
祝你生活順利!,I hope everything goes well with/in your life!,音標,讀音,翻譯,英文例句,英語詞典 1) I hope everything goes well with/in your life! 祝你生活順利! 2) May good fortune be with you. 祝你順 ...
Bing 必應詞典為您提供i hope everything goes well with your married life的釋義,網路釋義: 希朢你婚後生活事事順 ...
hope everything is OK at your end - WordReference Forums "I hope everything is OK at your end" I think this is fine. My only change would be to say: ... on your end ...
"hope all is well at your end " what is "at your end" reffered in ... It means "on your side" - hope all is well with you, it`s the same thing as at ... Hope everything goes well on your side.
Is this right English? | Yahoo Answers 19 Mar 2009 ... Hope all is well on your side too " Does this a formal way to reply and polite too ? Thank you.